Monday, August 17, 2009

Cinema Movie Review

Time Travelers Wife

I recent to go to the cinema to see this movie Time Travelers Wife. Is not a Time Travel Wife is a story about a man who have sickness and can travel in time by accidental. Is not want to happen sometimes but is suddenly happen to disappear in time travel. Is not in time machine is only himself. My girlfriend read this book and say is good and want to see this movie versions so I go also. Last time we see Transformers 2 and this time she pick Time Travels Wife. I go because is fair to see the movie she want to see. I am also maybe if I say no she will be angry and maybe complain about or maybe want to break my sex. I go and is not many people is maybe 30 people and I think I am only man to see this movie in the cinema so is strange because I feel I am in a wrong place. Maybe is feel like I go inside to the womans washroom in mistake. I see this movie and is very slow to the start and boring and I want to sleep but is better when is past the start and start to be more intrest. I think is slow story and is some bad script for the words some times but is intrest the plot so is half to half. Is a man who in travel in time and in no control so he go to visit young girl in the forest and she is alone in a picnic. When he goes in time travel he appears naked because clothes dont time travel. So when he is go he is always to look for cover up himself. Then he go and come back because the girl likes him and she always wait for him to come in a visit again. He come and she is grow older and is small girl and teenager and then full woman. So is not see him long time but after she see him in the library and they are together again and then is more serious and married and sexual and pregnancy. But is problems with pregnancy because maybe this baby is also sick with time travel. Maybe is time travel from the pregnant stomack? After when they are in the kitchen the time travel husband is appear from the future and he see himself in the floor naked and blood from maybe the stomack? So this is the question to make what is happen in the future. Is the husband died and is the baby to born?
I think this movie is not to bad. Is bore in the start but is better. Is still to be very slow and romantics so is more for womans movie. I think is ok. Is a movie of romantic and fantasy and some comedy almost like romantic comedy movies but is not to much. Is also a wedding because is a wedding in all the woman movies because woman like to see love happen.
Is not maybe the movie I like to see but is not true some times because I like to see romantic movies once in the time. I like before to see Message in the Bottle. So is some times enjoy this kinds.
I think is enjoy if is for you and I make a rating in this movie for

Does this movie show the tits? No this movie show no tits but is show the ass. Is show the man and the woman ass.

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